Write For Us

Hello! Writers, Greetings from Papaya Digitals. 

Do you have a flair for writing? If yes, then you have come to the right place. We are welcoming writers from various spheres on our platform to write for us.

We are providing a wonderful opportunity for writers to share their content with our audience. As a result, your work’s content must be appealing to ensure an enjoyable reading experience.

You can contribute your useful content to our blogs. So what are you waiting for? Pitch your guest post ideas to us.  

What type of Content do we Publish?

  • IASRAS and other Competitive Exam Preparation Tips and Strategies: If you have experience with IAS, RAS, or competitive exams, share your ideas with us. 
  • Digital Marketing: If you are a professional in the digital marketing industry and have excellent knowledge in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Pay Per Click, and other Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, etc., then share your ideas, views, tips regarding the digital marketing industry with us.  
  • Finance and Stock MarketIf you are an expert trader or have good knowledge of the stock market, then you are most welcome to share tips and tricks with our readers.
  • Content Writing: If you are a professional content writer, share the content topics that exemplify trends in the content writing industry.
  • Vastu Shastra: If you are a Vastu Expert, then share tips and techniques regarding Vastu Shastra.
  • Numerology: If you are a specialist in numerology, share your perspective with us that could benefit our readers.
  • Any other interesting topic that will be informational for our audience.

Editorial Content Guidelines

Here are a few guidelines that we would want you to follow:

1. Select Topics

Before you pitch your article idea, we ask you to kindly go through our articles and bring forward some unique and relevant content ideas that you are eager to write a fabulous, well-illustrated article. Please pitch us the content topics before sending the Guest Post. 

2. Allocating Topic

We will select a topic from your given topic ideas and assign you to write on a topic. We mostly go for submissions as documents. 

3. Word Count

We accept articles that give a clear and informative understanding of the topic. The standard word count should be 1200 – 2000 words.

4. Sources

Use relevant images and links in the context of the article for illustrative purposes.

5. Proofread and Edit

Make sure that after completing an article, you edit and proofread it to avoid any spelling and grammatical mistakes. Please run your article through Grammarly before submitting it.   

6. Formatting Content

The article should be written in a systematic order. Use proper headings, subheadings, bullet points, tables, images, infographics. 

7. Don’t Plagiarize Content 

Ensure that your content is original before sending it to us for approval.  Run your article through a Plagiarism-Checker.

8. No Promotion

Please don’t promote any business or brand in your article.

9. Write Engagingly

Write your article in a unique style, write vividly, use the correct tone and voice to sound similar to a conversation. 

10. Add FAQs

Before concluding, add the Frequently Asked Questions and answers section regarding the topic, respectively.

What We Look for in a Writer

We accept independent writers, freelancers, bloggers, industry experts, professionals to write for us. Your writing must exhibit that you can offer unique, sound knowledge, comprehensive information, educational experiences, success stories, etc.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

1. Unique Content

These days everyone is constantly on the lookout for fresh thinking and new concepts. It creates an excellent, engaging experience. Thus we are always searching for something unusual and never seen before content. And this exactly makes us unique from others. So, if you have new ideas or something extraordinary, hit us up. I would suggest you look at our website and explore what type of content we publish. In this manner, you would understand how we progress and then address us with your fresh perspective.

2. Easy to Understand and Interesting

Please write in a manner so the reader should be able to enjoy your writing. It should make the reader want to study more about the topic. For example, “Can an average student crack IAS?” or “One year IAS study plan”, then all you need to do is to do intense study, do research, and consequently make a road map. Your Content must inspire the audience to read more and probe more information.

3. Use Examples

Use examples and be candid, straight to the point, comprehensive, and before anything else, be engaging. Share experiences, give advice, tips; these all can only be understood with examples, which in turn will be relatable to readers.

4. Structure the Article

The article should be appropriately structured, so use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to differentiate between points and paragraphs and make the article appealing.

5. Sources

Do include the sources or references that you used to write your Content. We won’t use that information in the article; it is just for us to know. 

6. SEO-Optimized Article

Make sure that your Content is SEO-optimized and use keywords overall in your article. 

What we don’t Publish?

1. Deceptive Data

Your article should not have any fake information or data. Please acknowledge sources and give proper credit to the source of information on the article. Try to use reliable information from authoritative sites or sources and give credit correctly.

2. Previously Published Content

We do not accept content that has been published elsewhere. We only accept articles that are original and unique.

3. No Plagiarism

Please ensure that your article has zero plagiarism. Plagiarized content is also copyright infringement, and then you will have to suffer the consequences and face some legal issues.

4. Non-Informative Topics

The topics which are not relevant or uninstructive won’t be reviewed. Topics that are SEO-friendly and relevant to our business will only be considered such as, IAS, RAS, Competitive Exam, Finance and Stock Market, Content Writing, Digital Marketing, Finance, Numerology, Vastu Shastra and many more.

How to Submit your post to Papaya Digitals

  • Step 1: Firstly, pitch some ideas. After that, explain your viewpoint, what your topic will offer, share your thoughts. 
  • Step 2: Send us the demo of your article and then the layout of what other things you will be covering in your article.
  • Step 3: The subject of your email should be “Guest Post for Papaya Digitals”, as we get various emails each day, it would be easier for us to identify which mail contains the Guest Post article. 
  • Step 4: Email your article to us at papayadigitals@gmail.com
  • Step 5: We will contact you to discuss the next steps to publish your article.

Our Rights

  • After sending your article to us, our content editors will scan your article for plagiarism or copied content.
  • We have the right to dismiss your article with or without any justification.
  • We have the right to eliminate, update, edit details in submitted articles before publishing.
  • After publishing, the copyright for the guest posts will be given to thethoughttree.com.

Why should you write for us?

So, you must be wondering what’s in it for you as a writer? See, we have an active student community that wants to pursue learning. Your writing will help, inspire and motivate students. And in this way, you will also get a chance to showcase your skills and knowledge. Act quickly! Write For Us today.

Last But Not Least

So, that’s it! We are looking forward to receiving some great articles. We’d love to collaborate with you. I hope that our guidelines are helpful to you, as they assure that your submitted article is properly reviewed and hopefully approved. If we think that your submitted article meets our requirements, we’ll contact you to discuss the next steps to publish your article. Happy Writing!